
Thursday, July 25, 2013

When Is ever enough?

   Life is hard to understand sometimes ( like if I have to tell you)....
I wonder sometimes if what I do is enough? Do I have enough love to give tomorrow?
I feel like some night's I drag to bed and five minutes later I'm right back up at LIFE again..

 My house clean?
Is everything in place?
Girl's hair done?
what's for dinner?
What to do tomorrow?
Who is coming over?

  So many question's feels like not enough time in the world to think and do everything on my to do list! Maybe you sweet friend's deal with the daily happenings and wonder if it's every going to be enough?

 I must admit to you I've always been a little OCD okay maybe a lot.... My hubby tells me "Gina I'm sure if you go to bed with a unfixed couch or without clean trash bin's the clean cops wont come write you a ticket." I always say okay funny guy your right.... But then I lay in bed wondering maybe I should just go clean up and then I'll have a clean start in the morning....

  Truth is I wake to "out of place thing's" anyway! No matter what I do there is always more to do, feels like I'm running out of LIFE!  When I have friend's or family visit they always joke with me about everything having "THAT ONE SPOT".... I find myself sitting here visiting but really my mind is in overload because the kid's made a mess in the hall or the couch is messed up.....

  I always go in the kid's room trying to organize and clean to my standard's and my oldest daughter put a sign on the door saying.....(sorry if it's hard to see)....

"No moms allow to come in and clean or talk about cleaning."
Enter if you ONLY want to have fun....

No matter how many time's I take it down it finds away back on the door lol! 

   Yes I have fun with my beautiful children yes I display their art work..... there has been times
I get no sleep to make things Perfect..... Who is to say the dirtiest house on earth isn't the perfect one? What I'm trying to do is get more relax and "free" time! This past week my "to do" list was as long as a whole notebook page.... thing's like rewash all dishes, take all food out of cabinet's and better organize by date.....or move everything out living room and wipe wall's door frame's and move the thing's back in!

  My husband joke's and pokes at me all the time "I'll keep my day job" or "how much do you get paid I'm sure not enough" ........ It's not the work that effect's me cause cleaning is a big stress reliever for me! It's the thinking about it every single minute......

 I sat the kid's down and asked them what they would like to do or see me do over this weekend this is what I got.....

Daniel- Racing or mudding.....
Gladys- creek no matter how dirty it looks....
Josie - "momma spill tea in the floor while playing tea time with me, put your cover over it and leave it there for YOUR mom to clean... that's what I do mommy.....

REALLY???? :Ha! This will be a fun weekend.....

 Some-times it's life's mess UPS we really see who Love's us for us! Out of the few family and friend's that do stop by none of them judge me if anything they encourage me to relax more, they help me! I've always been afraid for that one person to stop by and my house be filled with cracker's or spilt milk...and being judged for it.....

  This weekend we- NO I will try to complete each of the kid's request and not worry about being judge or being picture as a bad mother or wife for it! If you find your self to be stressed about being perfect EVERYDAY take a weekend for your self take ADAY to be relaxed and free! Maybe it wont be that bad friends.....Until next time reader's......


Monday, July 1, 2013

No Accident!

God knew who you were before anyone else did!

We as mom's try to make our daughter's fill Beautiful and amazing!
What the world makes them fill is less then that! What we have told them for the last 18 years or less maybe more is out the window all cause Stacey down the street has better clothes or more shoes!

Gladys will be 12 July 12 of this month....She has wondered for awhile what it would be like to set at (that lunch table) (to be on that team) She has friend's good girl's, But Gladys wonders what (the grass on the other side is like) so to speak..

She was doing her hair yesterday and tear's fell from her pure pale face... Her brown eye's filled with disappointment... As a mother I felt like I let her down I didn't understand why she would fell this way? She was beautiful, amazing.... I began to question did she hear (your beautiful enough?) Did I fail making her feel beautiful?

I sat her down just us! What's wrong baby? Momma why do all the girl's at school have better clothes and why do the have better hair? Why do their mom's allow them to get fake nails and I can't! Why do the cool girl's not allow me to sit with them at lunch? Will middle school be this bad? Tear's just poured from her pretty face and mine!

I asked what makes you feel less then other girl's? (momma they aren't the nicest to me and my friend's they say thing's that are mean and hurtful makes me feel ugly)

My heart dropped QUICK what to say! My head felt like that part on spongebob where there trying to think of his name and all they found was fine dinning, I have a thousand thing's running through which would be better to say to my Beautiful amazing daughter who has bared the raft of the face of TV, BOOKS and popular girl's!

I told her give me a minute baby.... BIBLE please help me I"VE never went through this I was one of the Popular girl's so to say! HELP!!!

Jeremiah 1:5
I chose you before I formed you in the womb I set you apart before you were born I appointed you a prophet to the nation's...

Gladys God made you with no accident's I read Jeremiah 1:5 to her and explain you are designed by GOD himself ! He made you with special abilities with specific battle's to overcome in life.... He made a significant plan for you and at the end you will learn...

YOUR amazing in every way GOD attended you to be, best eye's and mouth beautiful spirit and soul... Well rounded person... You have a heart! You might not spend $50 on each pair of jeans but you look good in your yard sale or second handed clothes... You have faith that you are perfect in GOD eye's and no one is better then you or your not better then anyone else! He made you on PURPOSE!

I felt like the world feeds our children to feel less of themselves because of the shirt they wear or the shoes they don't have! We are all Beautiful and made with a significant plan in life... regardless of who don't approve of us and who trys to change us because we aren't  the girl down the street or not the model on a cover shoot.... We are designed with specific issues and skills also the abilities to overcome anything in life because GOD made us that way!
This was us silly and happy! Okay Gladys was alittle over taken by my attempt to make her laugh but at the end I think my talk did some good! I was unsure but it made it with the guidance of the lord and the word!