
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Five minute thought's!

What's new!

-Book's I'm reading....  The Respect Dare, by Nina Resner!
    Wonderful so far and I feel like there are some
good changes going on:)

-Kids are doing....  Gladys has started ball practice this past week or so..
Daniel is taking a break for summer sports, he wants more time to relax lol be a "bro" the was he puts it......
Josie has dance recital coming up, summer classes begin soon and we have started BEKA BOOK for home school:)

-Hubby and I are....   We are trying to find a medium for us! We go so long without one another and it's so hard to make time in the time he is home so this past two weeks we have had TWO date night's:) We loved every minute of them!

-Trips planing soon...    June is when we are going on a four day  weekend get away to Chicago to see my family....

-Trips we took.....   We went to Houston Ms to visit with Larry's family I have to say we has a blast!:)
Me and the Hubby:)

Josie and her Nana!

Daniel our handsome man:)

Josie and momma!

Momma and Daughter's!

Monday, April 22, 2013

I'm stuck! Help me,guide me?

I've been watching life pass me by! I watch as my friend's grow and move on , I see happy face and tear's of joy and lm stuck in a hole of darkness alone!!

  I want more then anything to have my hubby home to hold me keep me safe from the world.. The truth is I don't know if we even know each other anymore! I feel loss and ladies let me tell you I think (the not knowing) is getting to me faster then anything!

I see families in church, date night's and my heart aces! I want to run and cry just hide from all the people who have what I want!! I'm married to a wonderful man whom work's away from home and he work's so hard for our family! I have the family I've always wanted but why is it that I feel alone and abused in some sense?

 I'm not understanding why I'm married and alone for month's at a time.. Why WE have three Beautiful children together but I'm alone parenting them? I don't understand why my bed was bought for two but all that lays in it is a dream, a smell of you?

I feel out of place without my husband beside me to help guide our family and teach our kid's as they grow and become older! I feel like I'm drowning and he (my husband) is no where to help!

I understand I have a great hard working loving man! Wonderful father and trust me I've counted my blessing from day one but I've fought this feeling and it just wont go away! I keep fighting and it just appears again down the road over taking me in every way!

 I pray, I read my bible daily and still I feel seconded, abandoned! I feel like I'm fighting the world alone and the sad part is I'm not! I have a wonderful husband to fight it with me but he is never here!:(

I need to dig deep and understand I guess just lay my feeling's down but is it really this easy to forget? I need to understand? I need to grow up and stop being silly?

I fell there needs to be something to take place something big! I want to move pass this trail in life but for some reason I think my battle just begun!

Ladies if you have dealt with or have had to deal with something alone the lines...Please fill free to advise me.... My husband can only talk so much but I don't think it's helping!

Thanks for reading, posting my dear friend's you love is such a blessing!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Five Minute Friday...

Our Small Homeschooling Corner!

Josie learning hard:) Most of all having fun:)

I really began this journey about four month's ago, I started to teach sight word's and number's! We have sought out homeschooling because we fell  safe with only  us being her main learning source! She is so smart and wants to learn about anything!

I wanted to share some thing's we have tried in our schooling days:) I wanted to also share a few do it your self projected that I have found wonderful!

-I found a old desk and cleaned it up..Got some chalk board paint and painted the top of the desk twice...
  ---Josie is allowed to write on it practice her sight word's, her name and lots of letter's and she is enjoying copying what I write on my big chalk board!

-Letter box.... I bought some letter's put them in a box (not see through) make a whole at the top.. I only put the letter's from the sight word's we worked with that day in there just to help insure spelling them and recognize the letter's!
-----Josie pulls one letter tells what that letter is and the sound it makes then pulls another we do this until she can spell a word....

-Food has been a huge help with counting she loves to snack and so I added that to learning and it's a hit! We do raisins,grapes  and apple's!
-----She (Josie) counts the food and then I take some away and she will count whats left then I ask something like who has more or less.... if she gets it right she can eat them:)
-Letter's Ive found it super crazy to go through all 26 letter's at one time as the picture shows we practice on four letter's a day the on Friday's we go over all the letter's and word's....
-----We make it fun! Josie and I make up a letter dance it is so fun to walk around the house finding thing's that start with that letter and then dancing until the next person finds something else that starts with the next letter.....

I'm so blessed to be able to be a stay at home mom and teach my little one along the way:)
Every-day is new and I love to learn different way's to teach her and make it fun:) I like hearing input from other homeschooling parent's.......
Josie loved painting the noodle's and gluing them to the poster!
when I asked her what to call it she said NODDLE DODDLE....:)