
Tuesday, June 25, 2013



    When I thought about submitting myself fully to something or someone- I thought I was giving up apart of who I was.. I felt used an belittled, like I need someone to tell me what's best for me really? I wanted SELF CONTROL!

  I've always been definite and difficult... I never wanted to be labeled as being diffident or unaccomplished...

 I was determined  to be important and worthy.... At the end I lost me fighting all theses years to have control over what I feel and think is best I've missed out on some relaxed day's and loving moment's!

I read a scripture Ephesians 5:22-23
     And yes, the wife must submit to the leadership of her husband.

Now the little scared girl whom read this scripture seven years ago ran the other way.
Are you crazy submitting to him hahaha laughing all the way.. While thinking he isn't my daddy and I don't need him to tell me how to live my life!

Now the women at this key board can take accountability and recognize I was so wrong. I missed out on life I missed out and so did my husband... He tried to led me in ways I thought boy you are NOT my daddy! I didn't want to do what was expected of me and in so-many way's I ran to avoid submission or advice...

Today I sit in tear's because I want to take back the last seven year's of being scared running the other way hiding myself from being fathered!

Today I understand what my marriage has lost but also what my marriage has gained!My husband has let me do thing's my way for seven year's and for so long I felt good doing so but the truth is I took my husband faith and pride away from him...

Pushed him away for seven year's cause I knew all the answer and the whole time I KNEW NONE!

Now it's time to give back to my HUBBY and fully, unconditionally submit to him. Put my faith and trust in him knowing he will do right by his family.. I don't wish away the last seven years cause I went through them with a good man who stood by me and honored me, still doses I love this man with my whole heart body and soul! Now it's time to spend the next 80 years loving him unconditionally, and whole heartily submitting myself to him!

Ladies this don't mean we have no self worth or we aren't important or we can't accomplish anything this just means we will do it as a team together! I'm sure it will be hard going from me TO us but WE can do it!

            Thanks -Gina

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Thanks For Reading!!!
Be Blessed Sweet Sister's:)