This past week I've made extra time to pray and grow in the lord! My whole family and I have little bible studies and we pray before we eat and when we go to bed:) I try to pray alone but sometimes I'm so busy with life, Kids-sports-cleaning-working, school- and doctors I really never have five minutes to pray alone just God and Gina!
So this past week I tryed every way possible and nothing I think life got busy'er I found my self locking the bathroom door praying in the shower! And still to have ya know lol Josie our sweet three year old was kicking the door before I could even turn the water on.....
Gladys our kind,loving ten year old would have to do her hair or need to pick up something from the store, ball practice! About the third day my response was Go ask your daddy! Then Larry would be knocking on the door asking hey Gina can the kids have this? or something! At one point I found myself in tears:(
So this week instead of wakening at five thirty I'm going to try and wake at five and have God and Gina time! I hope this works! I've prayed for it to work. Starting tomorrow I will wake early and go to bed late just to have some alone time:)
When I read the bible and pray more some one on one time with our lord I fell encouragement-hope-guidance through out my day! I love learning about all different things in life! I love to teach our children about different things my mom and dad never thought me..... Larry had a hard childhood as well as me so for us to grow together is such a blessing to us!
This is my little prayer: Lord I come to you with an open heart, I don't need to tell you what I need lord you already have what I need coming to me! Lord thank you for the wonderful day... for all my many blessing without you lord none of which would be possible! In your name I pray......Amen..
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Why is it so hard to follow rule's to love someone to forgive them?
I thought I have forgave these people who has hurt me over and over again but I let them back in and they do the same things makes me want to give up! I'm trying my hardest to change all negative things about my self but I running out of things to change..
Then I began to ask myself if I'm the one whom needs to change? I pray about my ways and I still see no reason to keep changing who I'am to impress anyone whom don't like the real me! I do have ways I would like to change as I like to think everyone do to....
Some of these said people are Christian's others look up to and they in steal a value of our lord into there little kids and family member's... And how can we teach our kids something if we ourselves don't live by it?
I've listed some Scripture's that I've been lead to and has helped me understand a little bit more.
-Mark 3:25-27
Similarly, a family splintered by feuding will fall apart.
And if Satan is divided and fights against himself,how can he stand? he would never survive.
But these friends and family member's are letting Satan divide us! Satan has won! I've tryed, reached out in faith of being connected to these family members and nothing! We done nothing wrong to begin with and now its like the blame is on me,my kids my husband! Why so they could have people to themselves?
So everyone back home wouldn't find out whom you really are?
My heart keeps coming to ( these few people) who I've tryed so hard to talk to, but wants no part of my family and I.... Still till this day I do anything for with a phone call... But I always end up hurt!
Another Scripture I found...
-Matthew 6:14-15
"If you forgive those who sin against you, Your heavenly father will forgive your.
But if you refuse to forgive others your father will not forgive your sins.
Here we are reading this through out the bible and still I canit totally forgive because every-time I get hurt but being the person I'am I cant fully walk away! I fell as if I'm stuck in this black hole and canit get out....
I have a temptation to go and hit them in the face and say wake up your hurting everyone by seeking what you think is right but Clearly its not working! There's mom's, sister's little people whom which will never know I love them and would love to see them grow and be a part of there life, brother's who was so close and has a great lose in there life that only you want to take part of !
I've always thought as Christian's we are all brother's and sister's? We all share the same father, all Christian's some what share the same goal's in life to love,forgive to grow in our faith! Love and forgive each other..... Although I'm having a hard time forgiving these people loving them the way our lord loves us I'm trying! I'm continuing with my prayer's for us to move past this point of our life!
Thanks for visiting and reading this post I've been wanting to write this for almost a year and I've prayed about this for over three year's Its time to pray,forgive and put all my trust in our father to take care of this to soften the heart's of these people to watch over them in there choice's as well as mine:)
I thought I have forgave these people who has hurt me over and over again but I let them back in and they do the same things makes me want to give up! I'm trying my hardest to change all negative things about my self but I running out of things to change..
Then I began to ask myself if I'm the one whom needs to change? I pray about my ways and I still see no reason to keep changing who I'am to impress anyone whom don't like the real me! I do have ways I would like to change as I like to think everyone do to....
Some of these said people are Christian's others look up to and they in steal a value of our lord into there little kids and family member's... And how can we teach our kids something if we ourselves don't live by it?
I've listed some Scripture's that I've been lead to and has helped me understand a little bit more.
-Mark 3:25-27
Similarly, a family splintered by feuding will fall apart.
And if Satan is divided and fights against himself,how can he stand? he would never survive.
But these friends and family member's are letting Satan divide us! Satan has won! I've tryed, reached out in faith of being connected to these family members and nothing! We done nothing wrong to begin with and now its like the blame is on me,my kids my husband! Why so they could have people to themselves?
So everyone back home wouldn't find out whom you really are?
My heart keeps coming to ( these few people) who I've tryed so hard to talk to, but wants no part of my family and I.... Still till this day I do anything for with a phone call... But I always end up hurt!
Another Scripture I found...
-Matthew 6:14-15
"If you forgive those who sin against you, Your heavenly father will forgive your.
But if you refuse to forgive others your father will not forgive your sins.
Here we are reading this through out the bible and still I canit totally forgive because every-time I get hurt but being the person I'am I cant fully walk away! I fell as if I'm stuck in this black hole and canit get out....
I have a temptation to go and hit them in the face and say wake up your hurting everyone by seeking what you think is right but Clearly its not working! There's mom's, sister's little people whom which will never know I love them and would love to see them grow and be a part of there life, brother's who was so close and has a great lose in there life that only you want to take part of !
I've always thought as Christian's we are all brother's and sister's? We all share the same father, all Christian's some what share the same goal's in life to love,forgive to grow in our faith! Love and forgive each other..... Although I'm having a hard time forgiving these people loving them the way our lord loves us I'm trying! I'm continuing with my prayer's for us to move past this point of our life!
Thanks for visiting and reading this post I've been wanting to write this for almost a year and I've prayed about this for over three year's Its time to pray,forgive and put all my trust in our father to take care of this to soften the heart's of these people to watch over them in there choice's as well as mine:)
Friday's fried chicken:)
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This was dinner Friday night! |
I made some lip smacking tastey chicken(as daniel calls it) friday night and I wanted to share with everyone..... Its really simple and really good:) Everyone has a different way of making fried chicken and daniel thought I should share with yall....
:Cut the fat off your chicken....
: Mix about six eggs with your pepper,creole seasoning and some salt!
:Put some flour in another bowl ..
Start warming your vegetable oil, take your chicken and dip it into you eggs then into your flour
and simply fry it....
Add some tasty side's and you will love it! I've been cooking for awhile well I would say since I was six I didnt have a mom who did it for me... She use to say gina Ive been cooking since I was five so if your hungry get to it! But I never have been thought to cook the right way so just about seven to ten yrs ago when I was in chicago some close friends and nrbs basicaly everyone is teaching me different meal's people I dont know, I'm just visting with a girlfriend her mammay is pulling us into the kicken and showing us how to fry chicken.....
Thanks to kind loving grandma's I know how to cook enough to feed my kids! I'm still learning....
I just wanted to share with everyone be free to share your way of cooking chicken I would love to try it!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Day at the park (Saturday)!
Josie at savannah park! |
Josie making a silly face:) |
Beautiful:) Gladys |
Sister love.... |
I love when they play together:) Just Beautiful! |
My handsome son:) |
Gladys |
Daddy and josie:) |
Larry hanging out with all the babies! |
My beautiful baby girl! |
of the week. There is never time to sit down and talk or just watch the kids play and interact with out cleaning cooking, shopping or doctors and story time for Josie, basketball for Gladys! Life over takes us at times. So this past Saturday we took a time out!
Now I was still at work, lol but we just brought Aunt Sue with us and she enjoyed getting out of the house as well as we did! My three beautiful kids are growing up so so fast, this saturday like any other they wanted ( the oldest two) to go to friends house's and jojo wanted to spend time with her sister:) So we made this saturday a family day and like any teenagers they where upset cause they didnt get to go out to friends... But at the end of the day Gladys and Daniel said over and over( momma thanks for making us stay home this weekend we had a blast!)
Now we all sat down this past Monday after work and made a promise to eachother! Every other saturday will be spent together.... I fell alot better knowing that we will be together and slow our very busy life down to have a family day, with no doctors or detail cleaning ........ friends house or anyother thing that was going on!
Please feel free to comment or leave some idea's on things to do thats was fun with you and your family!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Baking for a good cause!
For the past few weeks I've been thinking about everything that I have, all our children have and why its so important to give! Its not to say I don't give but I think its time to give alittle more then normally!
Starting with cupcakes... It sounds crazy I know, but when ever I get a warm cupcake it puts a smile on my face as well as anyone else's. So I asked my little Josie Elizabeth who she would like to share with and she wanted to take cupcakes to Sunday school to all of her friends:) Then I asked Gladys and she said the same either school or church so we are making about 106 cupcakes for church in the morning..... I have to teach my children Its not about how many things they have or how much nicer they have it but its about giving.
One act of kindness can mean the world to a little boy with no jacket in the winter or a little girl who has never had a doll to play with.... So our next step to giving is everyone in our house has to pick two things out or our rooms to give... The kids love it at first I thought they would be mad or wouldn't understand but they ran to there rooms picking things to give.... Gladys my ten yr old already has such a tender heart so graceful... she has more then two things and I'm so proud of her!
She said "momma I have nine things to give for another child to play with and some clothes I never wear '. In my head I'm thinking Gladys I only said two but then I looked into her smiling face and said Gladys I'm so proud of you! You just reminded me to give more here I'am trying to teach my kids to give and I was going to limit down to two things and Gladys gave more...
This moved me to go and think about everything in my home that is not used nor needed anymore,,, I'm very happy to say I have about eight pair of pants and about three shoes and much more! Thanks to my baby Gladys she is going to be the best doctor I know...
She has always took care of everyone and has always said she wanted to teach or become a doctor! They look so good!
Starting with cupcakes... It sounds crazy I know, but when ever I get a warm cupcake it puts a smile on my face as well as anyone else's. So I asked my little Josie Elizabeth who she would like to share with and she wanted to take cupcakes to Sunday school to all of her friends:) Then I asked Gladys and she said the same either school or church so we are making about 106 cupcakes for church in the morning..... I have to teach my children Its not about how many things they have or how much nicer they have it but its about giving.
One act of kindness can mean the world to a little boy with no jacket in the winter or a little girl who has never had a doll to play with.... So our next step to giving is everyone in our house has to pick two things out or our rooms to give... The kids love it at first I thought they would be mad or wouldn't understand but they ran to there rooms picking things to give.... Gladys my ten yr old already has such a tender heart so graceful... she has more then two things and I'm so proud of her!
She said "momma I have nine things to give for another child to play with and some clothes I never wear '. In my head I'm thinking Gladys I only said two but then I looked into her smiling face and said Gladys I'm so proud of you! You just reminded me to give more here I'am trying to teach my kids to give and I was going to limit down to two things and Gladys gave more...
This moved me to go and think about everything in my home that is not used nor needed anymore,,, I'm very happy to say I have about eight pair of pants and about three shoes and much more! Thanks to my baby Gladys she is going to be the best doctor I know...
She has always took care of everyone and has always said she wanted to teach or become a doctor! They look so good!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
In starting this blog I hope to gain alot! I try really hard to hide myself and give all to my kids and husband and sometimes I feel like Im not doing that as well as I should! I have come to relax and
relaze that I have all the necessaary qualities to take of my family very well! I gave until my three amazing kids would keep taking and I wouldnt have anything else to give! As I thought.. ha!
Ive prayed everyday how to do my job as a mother,caretaker,wife,sister,teacher,cook,housemaid... and so much more better than I have be doing it! Well let me share, about six weeks ago I started a job as a caregiver for a family member its been hard working 12hr days four days a week and basketball practice three days a week church Wednesday's and Sunday's then the usual things like
doctor's and family time and cleaning my home finding time to my self I've been pulled everyway and there still was'nt enough of me to go around! school meets and more doctor's the husband feeling second to a already busy wife of our three kid's to add another home in the mix was crazy.... The thing is I'm doing a great job! Many of us think we arn't doing good jobs as mothers but You are! Just the other night I had to stay the night with my husbands aunt whom I'm taking care of, My husband freaked he was begging me to come home lol saying I dont know how you do everything you do and keep it together! Then my ten year old called me and said ( momma come home dad dont know how to cook,how to match my clothes) lol this lets me know although I feel over worked and tired I'am doing a great job....:)
So I hope to have many fan's on this blog I hope to learn from your comments as well as you learn from my post!I will try to be sufficient on sharing alot to you on my family's and my own trails!
Again thanks so much:) Almost forgot member how I said three months ago I wanted to start this blog but it because of my fears? I started it today because I want to share my life and all the many blessings i have with someone (all of you)..... I'm taking a new walk. A walk with the lord and I'm going to put all my faith with him in doing so:)
-Thanks:) Gina
relaze that I have all the necessaary qualities to take of my family very well! I gave until my three amazing kids would keep taking and I wouldnt have anything else to give! As I thought.. ha!
Ive prayed everyday how to do my job as a mother,caretaker,wife,sister,teacher,cook,housemaid... and so much more better than I have be doing it! Well let me share, about six weeks ago I started a job as a caregiver for a family member its been hard working 12hr days four days a week and basketball practice three days a week church Wednesday's and Sunday's then the usual things like
doctor's and family time and cleaning my home finding time to my self I've been pulled everyway and there still was'nt enough of me to go around! school meets and more doctor's the husband feeling second to a already busy wife of our three kid's to add another home in the mix was crazy.... The thing is I'm doing a great job! Many of us think we arn't doing good jobs as mothers but You are! Just the other night I had to stay the night with my husbands aunt whom I'm taking care of, My husband freaked he was begging me to come home lol saying I dont know how you do everything you do and keep it together! Then my ten year old called me and said ( momma come home dad dont know how to cook,how to match my clothes) lol this lets me know although I feel over worked and tired I'am doing a great job....:)
So I hope to have many fan's on this blog I hope to learn from your comments as well as you learn from my post!I will try to be sufficient on sharing alot to you on my family's and my own trails!
Again thanks so much:) Almost forgot member how I said three months ago I wanted to start this blog but it because of my fears? I started it today because I want to share my life and all the many blessings i have with someone (all of you)..... I'm taking a new walk. A walk with the lord and I'm going to put all my faith with him in doing so:)
-Thanks:) Gina
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